As I write early in January, the snow has again returned making this one of the longest cold spells I can remember as Principal of the college. It was certainly the first time I can remember at least eight inches of snow on the Rhos campus a week before Christmas, with resultant severe disruption to many of our sites, particularly in Dolgellau and Pwllheli. All in all college services coped well with minimum disruption to students and staff.
As all staff will now be aware, prior to Christmas I formally announced my intention to retire with effect from 31 August 2011. This was a difficult decision following 22 years as Principal which has coincided with a period of unprecedented growth, change and development, culminating in the recent merger with Coleg Meirion Dwyfor. For me personally this has been one of the most rewarding, challenging and enjoyable periods of my life, working alongside some of the best people in the FE sector in the UK. The letters of support and congratulations I have received have been touching and greatly appreciated.
As I’ve previously indicated this is a time of great change within Wales. The transformation agenda, public sector expenditure cuts and the pressure to modernise public services, mean that no transitionary period can be straightforward. There is always the pressure to consider strategic options to work on creating different delivery models and to ensure best value. These are forces currently being addressed by local authorities, universities, colleges and hospital trusts. Increasingly regional or sub-regional models are being considered, which may involve institutional reconfiguration. From an institutional perspective I am clearly influenced by the successes of the last 15-20 years which has been made possible as a result of self determination and the incorporation of institutions. This has resulted in colleges increasing participation, improving their response to industry and developing a quality profile which is outstanding. Any alternative model would have to be powerful indeed to enable these successes to be matched over the coming fifteen or so years.
Currently the FE Governance Review and the Public Services Review team may well propose changes which will impact on the current governance and management structure of the college. I clearly see my role during the last few months of tenure as Principal to position Coleg Llandrillo to fully benefit in the interests of staff and students from the changes when they emerge.
There is now more of a need for institutional leadership and learning system leadership than ever. This will involve developing a strategy which is deliverable, focussing on learners and continually developing staff to create high performing teams. I also have a feeling that the successes of the future will be linked to those organisations that are prepared to be ‘brave’ and radical and develop a different mindset.
As all staff will now be aware, prior to Christmas I formally announced my intention to retire with effect from 31 August 2011. This was a difficult decision following 22 years as Principal which has coincided with a period of unprecedented growth, change and development, culminating in the recent merger with Coleg Meirion Dwyfor. For me personally this has been one of the most rewarding, challenging and enjoyable periods of my life, working alongside some of the best people in the FE sector in the UK. The letters of support and congratulations I have received have been touching and greatly appreciated.
As I’ve previously indicated this is a time of great change within Wales. The transformation agenda, public sector expenditure cuts and the pressure to modernise public services, mean that no transitionary period can be straightforward. There is always the pressure to consider strategic options to work on creating different delivery models and to ensure best value. These are forces currently being addressed by local authorities, universities, colleges and hospital trusts. Increasingly regional or sub-regional models are being considered, which may involve institutional reconfiguration. From an institutional perspective I am clearly influenced by the successes of the last 15-20 years which has been made possible as a result of self determination and the incorporation of institutions. This has resulted in colleges increasing participation, improving their response to industry and developing a quality profile which is outstanding. Any alternative model would have to be powerful indeed to enable these successes to be matched over the coming fifteen or so years.
Currently the FE Governance Review and the Public Services Review team may well propose changes which will impact on the current governance and management structure of the college. I clearly see my role during the last few months of tenure as Principal to position Coleg Llandrillo to fully benefit in the interests of staff and students from the changes when they emerge.
There is now more of a need for institutional leadership and learning system leadership than ever. This will involve developing a strategy which is deliverable, focussing on learners and continually developing staff to create high performing teams. I also have a feeling that the successes of the future will be linked to those organisations that are prepared to be ‘brave’ and radical and develop a different mindset.
Wrth ysgrifennu’n fuan ym mis Ionawr, mae’r eira unwaith eto wedi dychwelyd gan ei gwneud yn un o’r cyfnodau oeraf y gallaf ei gofio fel Prifathro’r coleg. Yn bendant, dyma’r tro cyntaf y gallai gofio o leiaf wyth modfedd o eira ar gampws Rhos yr wythnos cyn y Nadolig, ac o ganlyniad roedd ymyrraeth ddifrifol ar nifer o’n safleoedd, yn enwedig yn Nolgellau a Phwllheli. Ar y cyfan, llwyddodd gwasanaethau’r coleg i ymdopi’n dda gydag ychydig o ymyrraeth i fyfyrwyr a staff.
Fel y gŵyr y staff, cyn y Nadolig, cyhoeddais yn ffurfiol fy mod yn bwriadu ymddeol, yn weithredol o 31 Awst 2011. Roedd hwn yn benderfyniad anodd i mi yn dilyn 22 mlynedd fel Prifathro a oedd yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod o dyfiant, newid a datblygiad na welwyd mo’u tebyg o’r blaen, gan ddiweddu gyda’r uno diweddar gyda Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor. I mi’n bersonol, bu’n un o gyfnodau mwyaf buddiol, heriol a phleserus o fy mywyd, gan gydweithio â rhai o’r bobl orau yn y sector AB yn y DU. Mae’r llythyrau o gefnogaeth a llongyfarchiadau a dderbyniais wedi bod yn deimladwy ac rwy’n eu gwerthfawrogi’n fawr.
Fel y dwedais eisoes, mae hi’n gyfnod o newid mawr yng Nghymru. Mae’r agenda trawsnewid, toriadau ar wariant y sector gyhoeddus a’r pwysau i foderneiddio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, yn golygu na all unrhyw gyfnod o drawsnewidiad fod yn syml. Mae yna bwysau cyson i ystyried opsiynau strategol i weithio i greu modelau dysgu gwahanol ac i sicrhau’r gwerth gorau. Mae awdurdodau lleol, prifysgolion, colegau ac ymddiriedolaethau ysbytai yn cyfeirio at y grymoedd ar hyn o bryd. Mae modelau rhanbarthol neu is-ranbarthol yn cael eu hystyried yn gynyddol, a gallai hyn olygu ailgyflunio sefydliadol. O safbwynt sefydliadol, yn amlwg dylanwadir arnaf gan lwyddiant y 15-20 mlynedd diwethaf a fu’n bosibl o ganlyniad i hunanbenderfyniad ac ymgorffori sefydliadau. Golygodd hyn fod colegau wedi cynyddu cyfranogiad, wedi gwella eu hymateb i ddiwydiant a chreu proffil ansawdd sy’n rhagorol. Byddai’n rhaid i unrhyw fodel arall fod yn un pwerus iawn i alluogi fod y llwyddiannau dros y pymtheg mlynedd neu fwy i ddod cystal â’r rhai blaenorol.
Gallai tîm Adolygu Llywodraethu AB a thîm Adolygu Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus gynnig newidiadau a fydd yn effeithio ar strwythur llywodraethu a rheolaeth bresennol y coleg. Yn amlwg, fy rôl yn ystod fy misoedd olaf yn y swydd fel Prifathro fydd i osod Coleg Llandrillo mewn safle ble y gall wneud y mwyaf o’r newidiadau pan fyddant yn digwydd er budd y staff a’r myfyrwyr.
Fwy nag erioed, mae nawr angen arweinyddiaeth sefydliadol ac arweinyddiaeth system ddysgu. Bydd hyn yn golygu creu strategaeth y gellir ei gyflwyno, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddysgwyr a datblygu staff yn barhaus i greu timau sy’n perfformio’n uchel. Mae gen i deimlad hefyd y bydd llwyddiannau’r dyfodol yn gysylltiedig i’r sefydliadau hynny sy’n barod i fod yn ‘ddewr’ a radical, gan feithrin ffordd gwahanol o feddwl.
Fel y gŵyr y staff, cyn y Nadolig, cyhoeddais yn ffurfiol fy mod yn bwriadu ymddeol, yn weithredol o 31 Awst 2011. Roedd hwn yn benderfyniad anodd i mi yn dilyn 22 mlynedd fel Prifathro a oedd yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod o dyfiant, newid a datblygiad na welwyd mo’u tebyg o’r blaen, gan ddiweddu gyda’r uno diweddar gyda Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor. I mi’n bersonol, bu’n un o gyfnodau mwyaf buddiol, heriol a phleserus o fy mywyd, gan gydweithio â rhai o’r bobl orau yn y sector AB yn y DU. Mae’r llythyrau o gefnogaeth a llongyfarchiadau a dderbyniais wedi bod yn deimladwy ac rwy’n eu gwerthfawrogi’n fawr.
Fel y dwedais eisoes, mae hi’n gyfnod o newid mawr yng Nghymru. Mae’r agenda trawsnewid, toriadau ar wariant y sector gyhoeddus a’r pwysau i foderneiddio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, yn golygu na all unrhyw gyfnod o drawsnewidiad fod yn syml. Mae yna bwysau cyson i ystyried opsiynau strategol i weithio i greu modelau dysgu gwahanol ac i sicrhau’r gwerth gorau. Mae awdurdodau lleol, prifysgolion, colegau ac ymddiriedolaethau ysbytai yn cyfeirio at y grymoedd ar hyn o bryd. Mae modelau rhanbarthol neu is-ranbarthol yn cael eu hystyried yn gynyddol, a gallai hyn olygu ailgyflunio sefydliadol. O safbwynt sefydliadol, yn amlwg dylanwadir arnaf gan lwyddiant y 15-20 mlynedd diwethaf a fu’n bosibl o ganlyniad i hunanbenderfyniad ac ymgorffori sefydliadau. Golygodd hyn fod colegau wedi cynyddu cyfranogiad, wedi gwella eu hymateb i ddiwydiant a chreu proffil ansawdd sy’n rhagorol. Byddai’n rhaid i unrhyw fodel arall fod yn un pwerus iawn i alluogi fod y llwyddiannau dros y pymtheg mlynedd neu fwy i ddod cystal â’r rhai blaenorol.
Gallai tîm Adolygu Llywodraethu AB a thîm Adolygu Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus gynnig newidiadau a fydd yn effeithio ar strwythur llywodraethu a rheolaeth bresennol y coleg. Yn amlwg, fy rôl yn ystod fy misoedd olaf yn y swydd fel Prifathro fydd i osod Coleg Llandrillo mewn safle ble y gall wneud y mwyaf o’r newidiadau pan fyddant yn digwydd er budd y staff a’r myfyrwyr.
Fwy nag erioed, mae nawr angen arweinyddiaeth sefydliadol ac arweinyddiaeth system ddysgu. Bydd hyn yn golygu creu strategaeth y gellir ei gyflwyno, gan ganolbwyntio ar ddysgwyr a datblygu staff yn barhaus i greu timau sy’n perfformio’n uchel. Mae gen i deimlad hefyd y bydd llwyddiannau’r dyfodol yn gysylltiedig i’r sefydliadau hynny sy’n barod i fod yn ‘ddewr’ a radical, gan feithrin ffordd gwahanol o feddwl.
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