Mae cychwyn fy nhymor olaf yn teimlo fel tir cwbl newydd i mi fel Pennaeth. Ar un llaw rwyf wrthi’n paratoi’r Coleg ar gyfer y dyfodol, gan baratoi’r ffordd ar gyfer yr uno gyda Choleg Menai, ac ar y llaw arall, rwy’n cychwyn cwblhau gwaith a chynllunio ar gyfer dyfodol gwahanol.
Cynhaliwyd y cyfarfodydd blynyddol i’r holl staff ym Mhwllheli, Dolgellau, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos a’r Rhyl. Eleni, y thema ganolog oedd cyrhaeddiad sefydliadol, cyrhaeddiad y myfyrwyr a llwyddiant y Coleg yn yr arholiadau diweddar gan ragori ar y perfformiad cenedlaethol ar bob lefel. Mae hyn yn gyrhaeddiad aruthrol i Goleg sydd â chymaint o fyfyrwyr wedi cofrestru i sefyll arholiad, ac mae’r canlyniadau’n glod i bawb a fu’n ymglymedig.
Roedd y cyfarfodydd hefyd yn gyfle i drafod goblygiadau’r uno sydd ar ddod. Bydd yn gyfle unigryw i adeiladu ar gryfderau’r ddau Goleg, gan greu strwythur grŵp, a chadw hunaniaeth dysgu’r tri Coleg a fydd yn rhan o Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai. Wrth i mi ysgrifennu rwy’n ymwybodol iawn o’r her enfawr sydd o’n blaenau dros y misoedd nesaf os ydym ni’n bwriadu cyrraedd y targed o uno erbyn Ebrill 1af 2012. Gobeithio y bydd secondiad diweddar Robin Beckmann o Adran Addysg a Sgiliau yn ein cynorthwyo i ddod â’r meysydd corfforaethol ynghyd i wneud hyn yn bosibl.
Mae’r broses o recriwtio Prif Weithredwr i’r Grŵp wedi cychwyn a bydd hysbysebion am y swydd i’w gweld yn fuan yn y wasg a’r cyfryngau cysylltiedig (rydym wedi penderfynu cadw’r sillafiad Cymraeg o Grŵp). Bydd y Coleg estynedig yn un o’r rhai mwyaf yn y DU a bydd yn creu her broffesiynol gyffrous iawn i’r sawl a gaiff ei b/phenodi. Bydd y swydd hefyd yn golygu y bydd yn creu cyfle i benodi swyddi Haen 2 a fydd wedyn yn ddeiliaid swyddi uwch y sefydliad estynedig.
Mae unrhyw newid yn golygu cyfnod o ansicrwydd i unrhyw un. Mae’r Coleg wedi ymrwymo i gwblhau’r uno a chreu’r grŵp estynedig mewn modd mor esmwyth â phosibl. Gwnaed addewid yn y deg ymrwymiad i gadw ac amddiffyn staff, ac mae copi ohono i’w weld isod. Mae’n debygol y bydd disgwyl i rai o’r staff uwch ymgymryd â swyddi newydd ac estynedig ond bydd gan bawb swydd yn y sefydliad diwygiedig.
Mae llawer o waith i’w wneud er mwyn paratoi’r ffordd ar gyfer yr uno sydd ar ddod. Y flaenoriaeth gychwynnol yw lleihau risg ac adnabod y swyddogaethau busnes critigol sydd angen bod yn eu lle erbyn Ebrill 1af 2012, i sicrhau y cawn drawsnewid effeithiol. Mae angen cynnal y broses ymgynghori â rhanddeiliaid a pharatoi ‘Achos Busnes’ cyn cyfarfodydd mis Rhagfyr a fydd naill ai’n cymeradwyo’r uno neu ddim.
Os oes gan staff gwestiynau mwy penodol yr hoffent eu gofyn, gallwch gysylltu â mi drwy’r Blog. Os oes gen i atebion, fe wnaf bob ymdrech i’w hateb, a buaswn yn fodlon cael trafodaeth gyda chi.
Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai
Uno’r Colegau: Deg Ymrwymiad
Mae Coleg Llandrillo Cymru a Choleg Menai’n cydweithio er mwyn edrych ar y posibilrwydd o uno’r ddau Goleg yn 2012. Byddai hyn yn ddatblygiad sylweddol o ran addysg a hyfforddiant yng Ngogledd Cymru, a byddai’n esgor ar gyfleoedd newydd i’r ddau Goleg.
Os bydd y Colegau’n uno i ffurfio Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai, yn ystod y broses uno, bydd y ddau Goleg yn ymrwymo i: -
1. Gadw hunaniaeth Coleg Menai, Coleg Llandrillo Cymru a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor
2. Cadw’r holl gampysau, gan ymateb i’w anghenion a’u dyheadau
3. Buddsoddi’n deg yn isadeiledd y campysau, gan ymateb i anghenion lleol
4. Ehangu’r dewis a’r cyfleoedd sydd ar gael i ddysgwyr, gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael arweiniad diduedd
5. Sicrhau bod ethos dwyieithog pob safle’n cael ei ddatblygu ymhellach
6. Ehangu’r cwricwlwm dwyieithog a gynigir ar bob safle
7. Sicrhau bod y staff i gyd yn cael eu trin yn deg, a bod unrhyw newid a wneir i delerau ac amodau yn cael eu cytuno ar y cyd, yn unol â’r Rheoliadau Trosglwyddo Ymgymeriadau (Diogelu Cyflogaeth)
8. Cynnal perfformiad ariannol cadarn hanesyddol y Colegau, gan anelu at reoli newid heb orfod diswyddo’n orfodol
9. Datblygu cysylltiadau â chyflogwyr er mwyn sicrhau bod anghenion yr economi leol o ran sgiliau’n cael eu bodloni’n llwyr
10. Cynnal ac ehangu’r partneriaethau ag ysgolion, gan adlewyrchu’r ardal a sicrhau dewis da o gyrsiau galwedigaethol i ddysgwyr 14-19 oed.
The beginning of my final term as Principal feels like unchartered territory. On the one hand I’m beginning to prepare the College for the future, paving the way for the forthcoming merger with Coleg Menai, on the other beginning to tie up loose ends and plan for a different future.
The annual rounds of staff meetings have now been completed with meetings held in Pwllhelli, Dolgellau, Rhos-on-Sea and Rhyl. This year the themes concentrated on institutional achievement, student achievement and the recent examination successes of the College outstripping national performance for every level of examination. This represents a considerable achievement for a College with so many examination entries and a credit to all involved.
The meetings also allowed an opportunity to discuss the implications for the forthcoming merger. A unique opportunity to build on the strength of the two Colleges, whilst creating a grŵp structure, maintaining the delivery identities of the three Colleges which will become a part of the Llandrilllo-Menai Grŵp. As I write I’m also very conscious of the enormous task over the next few months if we are to meet the April 1st 2012 deadline to bring about the merger. The recent secondment of Robin Beckmann from the Department for Education & Skills will hopefully assist in drawing together the corporate strands to make it possible.
The process of recruiting a new Chief Executive for the Grŵp (we have decided to use the Welsh spelling of Group), has now effectively commenced and advertisements will soon be in the press and related media. The extended College will be one of the largest in the UK and will represent an exciting professional challenge for whomever is eventually successful. The decision will also open the way for the appointment of the Tier 2 positions who will form the senior post holders of the extended organisation.
Any period of change is seen by most as being unsettling. The College is committed to achieving the merger and the creation of the extended Grŵp in as seamless a way as possible. From the outset it has been stated that this is the merger of two strong colleges and there is no intention to initiate significant restructuring. A promise has been made in the ten commitments, a copy is included below, to preserve and protect staff. It is likely that some of the more senior staff will be expected to undertake new and extended roles but all will have a position in the revised organisation.
Much work now needs to be undertaken to prepare the way for the forthcoming merger. The initial priority is to minimise risk and identify the business critical functions which need to be in place by April 1st 2012, to ensure effective transition. The Stakeholder consultation process needs to be undertaken and the ‘Business Case’ prepared prior to the December meetings of the two Boards which will approve or otherwise the decision to merge.
If there are more specific questions which staff need to ask please contact me via the Blog. Every effort will be made to answer questions if answers are available, and I would be pleased to engage in dialogue.
Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai
College Merger: Ten Commitments
Coleg Llandrillo Cymru and Coleg Menai are working together to look at the possibility of merging the two Colleges in 2012. This would be a significant development for education and training in North Wales, bringing with it new opportunities for both Colleges.
If the Colleges merge to form Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai, during the merger process, both Colleges are committed to: -
1. Retaining the identities of Coleg Menai, Coleg Llandrillo Cymru and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor
2. Retaining all campuses, responding to their needs and aspirations
3. Investing in campus infrastructure in an equitable manner in response to local need
4. Enhancing the choices and opportunities for learners ensuring impartial learner guidance
5. Ensuring that the bilingual ethos of each site is further developed
6. Expanding the range of bilingual curriculum on all sites
7. Ensuring that all staff are treated fairly and that in accordance with TUPE any change in terms and conditions will be by mutual agreement
8. Maintaining the historically strong financial performance of the Colleges, thus aiming to manage change without the need for compulsory redundancies
9. Developing employers’ links to ensure that the skills needs of the local economy are fully met
10. Maintaining and expanding the partnerships with schools to reflect the area and ensure a rich vocational offer for 14-19 learners.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
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