Thursday, 19 November 2009
November 2009
● Many meetings have been attended in Cardiff including presenting with the Governors on the Review of Governance in Wales, attending meetings of the Higher Education External Review Group. Much of my time has been taken with meetings involving the college’s proposed merger and the consultation is now out for public comment which can be accessed here until 23 November.
● A very successful evening was held in the college restaurant with the Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones earlier this month as part of the CBIs dinner meetings.
● I was very pleased to visit all of Coleg Meirion Dwyfor sites with some of my Board members and the Principal’s office staff. Despite the weather, the Lleyn and Meirionydd were very welcoming, as were the staff and students.
● The college earlier this week held a very successful open evening with over 600 people in attendance at the Rhos site and 200 at Rhyl.
● I’m currently in Birmingham at the Association of Colleges conference and on Tuesday was very pleased as the college was announced Beacon Winner for its International Student Support for achieving excellence in its international operations. The Award recognises best practice in supporting international students from recruitment to the completion of their qualifications. The award is sponsored by the British Council. This is excellent news for the college and is testament to the excellent service provided to its learners by the college team. At Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl the college was awarded Highly Commended for the Widening Participation award. The College was praised for its exemplary practice in developing provision which supports access to further education and employment for disengaged adults. My hearty congratulations and thank you to all the teams involved at the college, including all our local businesses, Assembly Members and Members of Parliament who help support the college.
● I’ve been very impressed by the events taking place this week during Enterprise Week with some very enterprising students regularly visiting my offices and a range of activities taking place in the college.
● It’s been non-stop for me so I am sure there will be more to catch up on soon.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Mae’r olygfa allan o fy swyddfa yn parhau i newid ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, wrth i balwyr osod peipiau a chywasgu’r ardal i sicrhau had oes mannau meddal yn datblygu.
Mae’r olaf o baneli rhestr fer Beacon wedi cael eu cwblhau ac rydym nawr yn aros i glywed os ydym wedi ennill Gwobr Beacon, a fydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Colegau yn Birmingham ym mis Tachwedd.
Cynhaliwyd swper llwyddiannus iawn yn y coleg gyda’r CBI yr wythnos diwethaf ble y siaradodd y Gweinidog John Griffiths am y sialens sgiliau i Gymru.
Mae’r broses ymgynghoriad uno yn ennyn cyflymder. Yn bresennol rydym yn cwblhau ein dogfennaeth cyn ei ryddhau at bwrpasau ymgynghori.
Fedrai’m coelio mai dim ond wythnos sydd ar ôl tan hanner tymor. Mae’n teimlo fel mai hwn yw un o’r tymhorau cyflymaf hyd yn hyn , ond mae’n siŵr fy mod yn dweud hynny bob blwyddyn. Yn bendant dwi wedi cael wythnosau prysur a dwi’n gwybod fod y staff wedi hefyd. Dwi’n ddiolchgar am ymdrechion pawb gyda’r system gofrestru newydd ar adeg prysur o’r flwyddyn.
Fe es ar fy nhrip olaf i ymweld â cholegau eraill yn gynharach yr wythnos yma. Gyda fy nghydweithwyr, fe aethom i ymweld â Choleg Adam Smith yn yr Alban. Roedd yn ymweliad buddiol gan ddarparu sawl awgrym at y dyfodol.
Yn ddiweddar cefais wahoddiad i fod yn rhan o Grŵp Cyfeirio Adolygiad Addysg Uwch. Bydd y grŵp yn gweithredu ymhellach ar adroddiad ardderchog a baratowyd gan yr Athro Merfyn Jones am ddatblygiad AU yn y dyfodol yng Nghymru. Rhagwelir y bydd gan lais AB rôl bwysig i’w chwarae yn y system esblygol.
Wrth i mi bostio hwn fore Gwener, fe hoffwn roi sylw am y noson ardderchog a fynychais neithiwr yn Swper Gala Pen-blwydd 125ain Prifysgol Bangor, ble roedd Only Men Aloud yn chwarae. Roedd yn gyfle ardderchog i rwydweithio ac i fwynhau’r profiad.- The view from my office continues to change since the last update, as diggers lay pipes and compact the area to ensure no soft spots develop.
- The last of the Beacon shortlist panels have now been completed and we are looking forward to hearing if we win a Beacon Award, which would be announced at the Association of College’s Annual Conference in Birmingham in November.
- A very successful dinner was held at the college with the CBI last week at which the Minister John Griffiths spoke at on the skills challenge for Wales.
- The merger consultation process is now picking up speed. We are currently finalising our documentation prior to general release for consultation purposes.
- I can’t believe it is now a week until half term. This feels like one of the fastest term’s so far, but I think we say that every year. I’ve certainly had a busy few weeks and I know staff have too. I am grateful for everyone’s efforts with the new register system at a busy time of year.
- The last of my trips to visit other colleges took place earlier this week. Together with colleagues, we visited Adam Smith College in Scotland. It was a worthwhile visit providing many pointers for the future.
- I have also recently been invited to be part of the Higher Education Review Reference Group. The group will be taking forward the excellent report prepared by Professor Merfyn Jones on the future development of HE in Wales. It is anticipated that the FE voice will have an important role to play in the evolving system.
- As I post this on a Friday morning, I would like to comment on the excellent evening I attended last night at Bangor University’s 125th Anniversary Gala Dinner, where Only Men Aloud were playing. It proved to be an excellent opportunity to network and to enjoy the experience.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Yn ystod y pythefnos diwethaf gwelwyd dau ymweliad gan baneli asesu Dyfarniad Beacon, gydag un arall i ddod ym mis Hydref. Ychydig o adborth a roddir hyd yn hyn tan y cyhoeddiad yng nghynhadledd AOC. Dwi wastad yn hapus gydag ansawdd y mae staff a myfyrwyr yn eu rhoi i'r digwyddiadau yma. Mae'r ymweliad olaf yn digwydd yn fuan ym mis Hydref, felly pob lwc i bawb.
Mae'r siwrneiau i Gaerdydd yn parhau. Cyfarfodydd Prifathrawon, Grŵp Ymgynghorol Gweinidogaethol, Gweithgor14-19 Estynedig, rwyf yn ei Gadeirio. Dydd Llun yma bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog John Griffiths AC yn y coleg yn mynychu swper rydym yn ei gynnal ar ran CBI. Mae hi wastad yn braf gweld uwch wleidyddion yn gwneud siwrneiau i Ogledd Cymru. A bod yn deg, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog yn ymwelydd rheolaidd.
Mae gwaith cynllunio manwl ar waith yn gysylltiedig i'r uno. Yn gynharach yr wythnos yma, fe gyfarfu'r Grŵp Llywio Uno i drafod amserlenni ac amcanion allweddol. Mae'r uno yn cynnig cyfleoedd i'r ddau goleg a bydd yn creu awyrgylch dysgu cynaliadwy, gan gofleidio newid yn gyflawn. Mae'r deg ymrwymiad wedi cael eu dosbarthu'n eang, o'r dechrau i drafodaethau presennol. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi fod hyn yn amser sensitif i bawb sy'n ymglymedig ac am y rheswm yma mae hi'n bwysig ein bod yn cwblhau'r broses mor fuan ag sy'n bosibl.
Ar nodyn ysgafnach, mae tywydd mis Medi wedi gwneud yn iawn am haf siomedig. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys penwythnosau gwych o hwylio.
Since my last input the new term is now well underway. The view from my room has changed and for the first time I can see the golf course. I was so impressed at the demolition process of the former Construction classroom/ workshops!
The last two weeks have seen visits from two Beacon Award assessment panels, with a further one to do in October. Little feedback is provided at this stage until the announcement is made at the AOC conference. I’m always impressed by the quality of both staff and student input to these events. The last visit takes place in early October, so good luck to all.
The journeys to Cardiff continue, Principals’ meetings, Ministerial Advisory Group, 14-19 Extended Executive, which I Chair. This coming Monday, the Deputy Minister John Griffiths AM will be in college attending a dinner which we are hosting on behalf of the CBI. It’s always good to see senior politicians making the journey to North Wales. In fairness, the Deputy Minister is a frequent visitor.
Detailed planning work is now underway related to the merger. Earlier this week the Merger Steering Group met to discuss the timelines and key objectives. The merger offers opportunities for both colleges and will create a sustainable learning environment, fully embracing change. The ten commitments which have been widely circulated, form the core of the ongoing discussions. I appreciate that this is a sensitive time for all involved and for this reason it is important that we complete the process sooner rather than later.
On a lighter note, the September weather has somewhat made up for a disappointing summer. This has included some excellent weekend sails.
Friday, 11 September 2009
It’s been a busy time since the last posting. The year for me always starts with the Annual All Staff meetings at Rhos and Rhyl. It was a pleasure to welcome staff back to college, old and new. Business is now back in full swing, with meetings in Cardiff last week and this week. I am a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills. This committee is responsible for helping shape the future for education in Wales as well as advising the Minister on key educational issues. This week ends with my 2nd visit of the month to Cardiff, to the CBI Wales Council.
Monday morning this week thankfully dawned dry and bright as we all welcomed new 1st year students to the college as they arrived on the buses. It’s a real pleasure to see the students back in college and we’re looking forward to welcoming the returning 2nd years and higher education students next week.
This week, I was very pleased to be able to meet the first group of students to become part of the ‘Rhyl Sixth’. The meeting with the students provided the opportunity to explain the arrangements for the coming year and also the benefits of becoming an integral part of the college. This is the first time in recent years that a college has taken over the running of sixth form provision. Working in partnership with Denbighshire County Council, the project is expected to be “ground breaking” and add significantly to opportunities in the area.
At the same time the next round of developments will start with the development of the new Institute of Health and the enhanced staff and student accommodation. Most of this work will be concentrated on the top road of the campus. Every effort will be made to minimise disruption. Likewise of staff at Rhyl, the Rhyl Sixth development will commence at the end of October. (The Rhyl Sixth website can be located by clicking here.)
Mae’r mis yma’n gorffen gyda fy 2ail ymweliad o’r mis i Gaerdydd, i Gyngor CBI Cymru.
Gwawriodd bore Llun yr wythnos yma’n sych a disglair wrth i ni groesawu myfyrwyr blwyddyn 1af newydd i’r coleg wrth iddynt gyrraedd ar y bysiau. Roedd hi wir yn bleser gweld y myfyrwyr nôl yn y coleg ac edrychwn ymlaen i groesawu myfyrwyr yr 2ail flwyddyn a myfyrwyr addysg uwch yr wythnos nesaf.
Yr wythnos yma, roedd hi’n bleser gen i gwrdd â’r grŵp cyntaf o fyfyrwyr i fod yn rhan o ‘Chweched y Rhyl’. Wrth gwrdd â’r myfyrwyr cefais y cyfle i egluro’r trefniadau am y flwyddyn sydd i ddod a’r manteision fod yn rhan integrol o’r coleg. Dyma’r tro cyntaf yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf i goleg dderbyn cyfrifoldeb am redeg darpariaeth chweched dosbarth. Gan weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Chyngor Sir Ddinbych, disgwylir i’r prosiect dorri tir newydd ac ychwanegu’n arwyddocaol i’r ardal.
Fe hoffwn hefyd ddiolch i staff y coleg am eu amynedd a chymorth dros y misoedd diwethaf tra fod y coleg yn parhau gyda’r broses o adnewyddu adeiladau.
Mae nifer o staff wedi bod yn ymglymedig ac wedi gweithio’n arbennig o galed i baratoi’r coleg ar gyfer derbyniad myfyrwyr newydd, fe werthfawrogir yr ymrwymiad yma’n fawr.
Ym mlaen y coleg mae’r dymchweliad bron a chael ei gwblhau a gellir dechrau ymestyn y maes parcio a’r tirlunio cysylltiedig. Erbyn mis Tachwedd rwy’n disgwyl y bydd y gwaith yma wedi ei gwblhau. Bydd hyn yn dod a’r cyfnod yma o waith i ben.
Ar yr un pryd bydd y rownd nesaf o ddatblygiadau’n dechrau gyda datblygu Sefydliad Iechyd newydd a mwy o lefydd i staff a myfyrwyr. Canolbwyntir y mwyafrif o’r gwaith ar ffordd uchaf y campws. Caiff pob ymdrech ei wneud i leihau ymyrraeth.
Yr un modd i staff yn y Rhyl bydd datblygiad Chweched y Rhyl yn dechrau ar ddiwedd Hydref.
Ddydd Llun nesaf, mae’n bleser gen i fod yn rhan o dîm sy’n ymateb i ymweliad asesiad o ganlyniad i gael ein rhoi ar restr fer AOC Gwobr Beacon. Rydym wedi cael ein gosod ar restr fer mewn tri categori.
Mae trafodaethau am yr uniad gyda Choleg Meirion Dwyfor yn symud ymlaen. Mae cyfarfodydd pwysig y Grŵp Gweithgor a Grŵp Llywio Uno yn cael eu cynnal dros yr wythnos nesaf. Mae dogfen ymgynghori wrthi’n cael ei greu a bwriedir ei ryddhau erbyn diwedd yr Hydref.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Summer Update
The summer has also provided the opportunity for our first joint presence with Coleg Meirion Dwyfor at the Bala National Eisteddfod. This was a very successful event providing an invaluable opportunity to network and to consolidate our plans. More information will be released over the coming months related to the merger. Following a successful due diligence report the college is now embarking on a detailed planning phase.
As the new term looms, I was pleased at the success of the college students on A Level results day recording a 100% pass rates in 30 subjects. The overall A Level pass rate was 96%; the fourth year running that it has been in excess of 95%. Students are celebrating 100% pass rates across a wide range of subjects, strings of top A grades, and offers from leading universities to study traditional and highly specialised subjects now being confirmed. The College has one of the largest A/AS group of students in North Wales, with nearly 600 student entries studying 56 AS and A Level subjects this year. The number of A/AS students represents a 300% increase in two years. The majority of A/AS students at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru study for the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification and the pass rate was considerably above the national average. The College is the largest provider of the Welsh Baccalaureate in North Wales. The Welsh Baccalaureate, with its additional 120 UCAS points, provides a real bonus for individual progression. These results follow the recent success of International Baccalaureate students at Coleg Llandrillo Cymru, who achieved outstanding grades. 90% of students achieved the full International Baccalaureate Diploma, which is significantly higher than the world average pass rate. Congratulations to all our learners and staff who help make this possible.
Thoughts now turn toward the end of this Admin week when I hold my annual all staff meetings, at Rhos at 9.30am on Friday and Rhyl at 1pm. It’s amazing how fast time has gone and as I start the 21st year at the college, everything around has changed, with the exception of my office surrounds. What can I do about that?
I’ll be posting up again soon; in the meantime, can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a successful year.
Diweddariad Blog yr Haf
Ers y cofnod diwethaf mae misoedd yr haf wedi bod yn llawn digwyddiad. Gwelwyd gweithgareddau dwys ar brif safle’r coleg o ganlyniad i ddatblygiad ystadau sy’n parhau. Golygodd hyn fod y Ganolfan Morwrol ac Amgylchedd Adeiledig wedi cael ei gwblhau dros fis o flaen llaw. Mae’r broses drawsffurfio wedi dechrau a diolch i fy holl staff a chontractwyr allanol sydd wedi bod yn ymglymedig â’r prosiect.
Tra fod y safle’n cael ei drawsffurfio’n araf, mae gwaith ar ôl i’w wneud yn gysylltiedig i faes parcio a thirlunio er mwyn sicrhau ei fod yn gweithredu i gwrdd â’r derbyniad newydd o fyfyrwyr. Ar yr un pryd mae prosiectau ychwanegol wedi cael eu diogelu dros yr haf ac mae rhaglenni newydd ar fin cael eu lansio a fydd yn cyfrannu at y rhaglen moderneiddio. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys: Chweched y Rhyl, Sefydliad Iechyd a Chanolfan Cymunedol newydd yng nghanol tref Bae Colwyn.
Darparodd yr haf y cyfle ar gyfer ein presenoldeb ar y cyd gyda Choleg Meirion Dwyfor yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol y Bala. Roedd hwn yn ddigwyddiad llwyddiannus iawn gan ddarparu cyfle amhrisiadwy i gryfhau ein cynlluniau. Bydd rhagor o wybodaeth yn cael ei ryddhau yn y misoedd nesaf yn gysylltiedig i’r uno. Yn dilyn adroddiad diwydrwydd dyladwy llwyddiannus mae’r coleg nawr yn dechrau ar gam cynllunio manwl.
Wrth i’r tymor newydd ddynesu, roeddwn i’n falch gyda llwyddiant myfyrwyr y coleg ar ddiwrnod canlyniadau Lefel A gan gofnodi cyfraddau pasio o 100% mewn 30 pwnc. Ar y cyfan, roedd y cyfradd pas Lefel A yn 96%; y bedwaredd flynedd yn olynol roedd yn fwy na 95%.
Mae myfyrwyr yn dathlu cyfraddau pas o 100% ar draws ystod eang o bynciau, cyfres o raddau A, ac mae cynigion gan brifysgolion arweiniol i astudio pynciau traddodiadol ac arbenigol nawr wedi eu cadarnhau.
Mae gan y Coleg un o’r grŵp mwyaf o fyfyrwyr A/AS yng Ngogledd Cymru, gyda bron i 600 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio 56 pwnc Lefel AS ac A eleni. Mae’r nifer o fyfyrwyr A/AS yn cynrychioli cynnydd o 300% mewn dwy flynedd.
Mae’r mwyafrif o fyfyrwyr A/AS yng Ngholeg Llandrillo Cymru yn astudio ar gyfer y Fagloriaeth Gymraeg ac roedd y cyfradd pasio yn llawer uwch na’r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol. Y Coleg yw’r darparwr mwyaf o’r Fagloriaeth Gymraeg yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae’r Fagloriaeth Gymraeg, gyda’i 120 pwynt UCAS ychwanegol, yn darparu gwir fonws i ddatblygiad unigolyn.
Mae’r canlyniadau yma’n dilyn llwyddiant diweddar y Fagloriaeth Ryngwladol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo Cymru, a enillodd raddau rhagorol. Cyflawnodd 90% o’r myfyrwyr Ddiploma llawn y Fagloriaeth Ryngwladol, sydd yn llawer uwch na’r cyfartaledd pasio byd eang. Llongyfarchiadau i’n holl fyfyrwyr a staff a gynorthwyodd i wneud hyn yn bosibl.
Mae meddyliau nawr yn troi tuag at ddiwedd yr wythnos Weinyddol yma pan fyddaf yn cynnal fy nghyfarfodydd staff blynyddol, yn Rhos am 9.30yb ar ddydd Gwener a’r Rhyl am 1yp. Mae’n anhygoel pa mor gyflym mae amser yn hedfan wrth imi ddechrau fy 21ain mlynedd yn y coleg, mae pob dim o’n hamgylch wedi newid, ag eithrio fy swyddfa i. Beth allaf i wneud am hynny?
Monday, 20 July 2009
Summer 2009
The high point of the college calendar for me is always the main College Awards Day held in July. This year was no exception, celebrating and recognising the achieveme
Over the last few weeks I have also tried to keep you all informed of progress relating to the merger with Coleg Meirion Dwyfor. Early in July the Boards of both colleges agreed to move onto a more detailed planning phase with a view to merger from Easter 2010. The challenge is to ensure that core systems e.g. financial, quality, human resources and learner support are harmonised across both colleges. The aim is to achieve the best outcomes for student and position the new institution to be sustainable and able to meet the challenges of changing funding regimes. This will be achieved within an environment and culture which is high performing and builds upon the expertise of staff in both colleges.
The Coleg Llandrillo brand will be protected and the new institution and its constituent colleges will form part of a Coleg Llandrillo group of colleges, operating across a significant part of Central and North West Wales. The new college will be operating to a budget of £44,000,000 and will meet the needs of over 25,000 students and 1250 staff.
In Rhyl, rapid progress is being made to create the Rhyl Sixth. The Sixth forms are being scheduled for closur

On the Rhos site, the Marine and Built Environment Centre (MBEC) is nearing completion. This impressive developments is projected to be completed ahead of schedule to accommodate the new intake from the beginning of the Autumn term. The related landscaping, car park and new road developments will be completed by Christmas. This will return us to full car parking capacity w
Continuing with the estate development programme, the coming academic year will also see the creation of a new Institute of Health which will be a refurbishment of the Mostyn block and a new administration area developed on the site of the current examination mobiles on the ‘top’ road. The old hall area being refurbished for enhanced student facilitates. These are important developments for the college which will continue the modernisation programme and take us into the next phase of development.
As the 2008/9 academic year draws to a close it is pleasing to record yet another year of expansion. Our FT 16-19 year old students increased, our HE students and work based students all expanded. Alongside this our retention rates improved and our institutional attainment rate is projected to continue at a high level. Financially the College is regarded as the most successful in Wales allowing us to invest in new staff and resources.
So, as we contemplate or indeed are taking holidays, take a little time out for self congratulation. It takes an incredibly strong team to produce these results. My thanks to all of you, for your contribution to this success.
Wrth i’n meddyliau droi tuag at wyliau’r haf ac o bosib rhywfaint o ymlacio byddai hefyd yn ddefnyddiol i atgoffa’n hunain o’r hyn a gyflawnwyd dros y flwyddyn.
Uchafbwynt calendr y coleg i oedd prif Ddiwrnod Gwobrwyo’r Coleg a gynhaliwyd yng Ngorffennaf. Doedd eleni ddim yn eithriad, gan ddathlu a chydnabod cyraeddiadau bron i 300 o raddedigion a 14 cyflawnwyr, a enwebwyd gan staff y coleg ar gyfer cyfraniad rhagorol. Cefais i sioc ac anrhydedd o gael fy ngwobrwyo gyda gwobr i gydnabod ugain mlynedd fel Prifathro. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi ei wneud yn brofiad mor foddhaus.
Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf rwyf wedi ceisio eich hysbysu o’r cynnydd ynghylch yr uniad gyda Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Yn gynnar yng Ngorffennaf cytunodd Byddai’r ddwy goleg i symud i gam cynllunio mwy manwl gyda goleg i uno ym Mhasg 2010. Y sialens i yw sicrhau fod systemau craidd e.e. ariannol, ansawdd, adnoddau dynol a chefnogaeth dysgwyr yn cael eu hasio ar draws y ddwy goleg. Y bwriad yw i o gyflawni’r canlyniadau gorau i’r myfyrwyr a lleoli’r sefydliad newydd i fod yn gynaliadwy ac i allu cwrdd a sialensiau o drefniadau ariannu newidiol. Caiff hyn ei gyflawni o fewn amgylchedd a diwylliant sydd yn perfformio’n llwyddiannus ac yn adeiladu ar arbenigedd y staff yn y ddau goleg.
Caiff brand Coleg Llandrillo yn cael ei amddiffyn a bydd y sefydliad newydd a’i golegau cyfansoddol yn ffurfio rhan o grŵp o golegau Coleg Llandrillo, gan weithredu ar dras rhan sylweddol o Ganol a Gogledd Orllewin Cymru. Bydd y coleg newydd yn gweithredu gyda chyllideb o £44,000,000 a bydd yn cwrdd ag anghenion dros 25,000 o fyfyrwyr a 1250 o staff.
Yn y Rhyl, mae cynnydd cyflym yn cael ei wneud i greu Chweched y Rhyl. Bydd dosbarthiadau Chweched yn cau ym mis Medi 2009 a bydd pob myfyriwr ôl-16 yn y Rhyl yn dod o dan ofal y coleg. O fis Medi 2009 bydd myfyrwyr yn rhan o gyfnod o drawsnewid nes i’r adeilad newydd gael ei gwblhau ac o fis Medi 2010 bydd pob myfyriwr a fyddai wedi datblygu i flwyddyn 12 a 13 yn datblygu i Chweched y Rhyl yn lle, a fydd yn rhan integrol o Goleg Llandrillo.
Bydd y datblygiad yma’n cynyddu dewis a chyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yn y Rhyl yn sylweddol, a cafodd ei ddatblygu fel prosiect trobwynt addysgiadol i Gymru. Rhagwelir y bydd rhai darpar fyfyrwyr yn parhau i drosglwyddo i safle Llandrillo Rhos yn fuan yn y prosiect, a bydd yr opsiwn yma ar agor i bawb. Dros gyfnod o amser rhagwelid y bydd y myfyrwyr yn dewis aros o fewn amgylchedd y Rhyl fel rhan o Chweched y Rhyl neu Goleg Llandrillo y Rhyl. Gwelir y datblygiadau yma yn integrol i ailffurfio’r ardal.
Ar safle Rhos, mae Canolfan Morwrol ac Amgylchedd Adeiledig bron a chael ei orffen. Rhagwelir y bydd y datblygiad gafaelgar yma’n cael ei gwblhau o flaen amser gydag amserlen i allu derbyn myfyrwyr newydd ar ddechrau Tymor yr Hydref. Bydd y tirlunio, maes parcio a datblygiad ffordd newydd yn cael eu cwblhau erbyn y Nadolig. Bydd hyn yn ein dychwelyd at argaeledd parcio llawn gyda ffordd fynedfa newydd. Llawer o ddiolch i’r holl staff am eu hamynedd dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn gysylltiedig i dagfeydd a llai o lefydd parcio.
Gan barhau gyda rhaglen ddatblygiad ystâd, bydd y flwyddyn academaidd newydd yn gweld cread Sefydliad Iechyd newydd a fydd yn adffurfiant o floc Mostyn a bydd ardal weinyddol newydd yn cael ei ddatblygu ar safle hen ddosbarthiadau arholiadau ar y ffordd ‘uchaf’. Mae ardal yr hen neuadd yn cael ei ailwampio i alluogi am fwy o gyfleusterau myfyrwyr. Mae rhain yn ddatblygiadau pwysig i’r coleg a fydd yn parhau gyda’r rhaglen moderneiddio a’n cymryd i’r cam nesaf o ddatblygiad.
Wrth i flwyddyn academaidd 2008/09 dynnu at ei derfyn mae hi’n bleser i nodi blwyddyn arall o estyniad. Mae’n myfyrwyr 16-19 LlA wedi cynyddu, mae’n myfyrwyr AU ac yn y gweithle wedi ymestyn. Ochr yn ochr â hyn mae’n cyfradd dargadwad wedi gwella a rhagwelir i’n cyfradd cyrhaeddiad sefydliadol barhau ar lefel uchel. Yn ariannol, ystyrir y Coleg fel y mwyaf llwyddiannus yng Nghymru gan ein galluogi i fuddsoddi mewn staff ac adnoddau newydd.
Felly, wrth i ni fyfyrio neu gymryd gwyliau, cymerwch ychydig o amser i longyfarch eich hunan. Mae angen tîm arbennig o gryf i gynhyrchu’r canlyniadau yma. Mynegaf fy niolch i chi gyda am eich cyfraniad i’r llwyddiant hwn.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Changing Times
Will parents and students notice any changes? They shouldn’t notice any negative ones, no. Going to College should feel pretty much the same as it did before, but with positive developments.
New Health & Care Centre
Health & Care is a Welsh Assembly Government priority area and the funding will enable the College to further strengthen its partnership with both public and private sector organisations to raise standards of care. The College has developed a comprehensive programme of courses to develop and upskill the workforce in Health & Care, particularly for those working in, or wishing to work in, Care Assistant and Support Staff roles.
Rhyl Sixth Update

Since the last posting, it was announced by the Welsh Assembly Government Minister Jane Hutt that plans to reorganise the sixth forms in Rhyl will go ahead.
Culinary Award
Coleg Llandrillo Cymru scooped three out of the top five awards at the Welsh International Culinary Championships Awards Dinner, including the ‘Best College’ category. It is the first time the College ha
Conservative Leader Visits Local College – April 2009
I was pleased to welcome the Leader of the Welsh Conservative Party to Coleg Llandrillo Abergele earlier this month. Nick Bourne AM spoke to a range of students about the learning opportunities available in the area. Nick Bourne was joined by his shadow cabinet members Darren Millar AM and Paul Davies AM, as well as William Graham, AM for South Wales East.
Beacon Award – Local Celebration
I was pleased to host earlier this week representatives from the Welsh Assembly Government, local AMs, County C
It was a local celebration, following on from the national awards ceremony, which took place at Westminster, London earlier in the year. Coleg Llandrillo Cymru won the Welsh Assembly Government Award for College Engagement with Employers for the work of the Business Point Unit, which establishes, develops and oversees training and development for local SMEs (Small to Medium-sized Enterprises). This is the eighth Association of Colleges (AoC) Beacon Award that the College has been awarded in recent years, which is one of the highest totals throughout all colleges in the UK.
Rwyf wedi cynnwys cwestiynau ac atebion a allai fod o ddiddordeb i chi ynghylch y cyfuniad arfaethedig isod.
Ar safle eu Coleg lleol presennol. Ni fydd hyn yn newid.
Beth am y staff? Bydd staff o’r ddau Goleg yn parhau i gael eu trin yn deg, a bydd eu amodau gwaith yn cael eu parchu.
Bydd tri safle Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn dod yn rhan o Grŵp o Golegau Llandrillo. Bydd rheolaeth dyddiol cyffredinol yn aros ar safleoedd presennol Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor sites a safleoedd Coleg Llandrillo Cymru.
Canolfan Iechyd a Gofal Newydd
Diweddariad Chweched y Rhyl
Ers y cofnod diweth

Mae’r Coleg wedi cynllunio cwricwlwm estynedig ar y cyd ar gyfer mis Medi 2009 a dderbyniwyd yn gadarnhaol mewn digwyddiad dewisiadau chweched dosbarth y mis diwethaf.
Yn 2010, bydd Chweched y Rhyl yn symud i adeilad pwrpasol, canolfan £3.5 miliwn ar Gampws y Rhyl. Bydd y datblygiad yma, a fydd yn derbyn arian sylweddol gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, yn darparu dysgwyr Chweched y Rhyl gyda chanolfan ymroddedig a fydd gyfwerth â’r gorau yng Nghymru.
Yn bresennol mae’r Coleg yn cyflwyno ei gynlluniau adeiladu er mwyn i’r cymeradwyaeth adeilad ffurfiol gael ei roi.
Gwobr Coginiol
Enillodd Coleg Llandrillo Cymru d
Dyma’r tro cyntaf i’r Coleg ennill y brif wobr, gan guro cystadleuaeth galed gan golegau eraill ng Nghymru a Lloegr a gystadlodd yn y Pencampwriaethau. Cafodd Coleg Llandrillo Cymru ei ganlyniadau gorau ym Mhencampwriaethau eleni, gyda’r myfyrwyr yn ennill dros 50 o wobrau, gan gynnwys 12 medel aur.
Enillodd y Coleg gategorïau ‘Agored Gorau’ a ‘Statig Gorau’ hefyd. Cafod y cyntaf ei wobrwyo i fyfyrwyr Calum Mackay o Benmaenmawr a Lizzie Graham o Fae Colwyn, a enillodd Gystadleuaeth Coginio a Gweini Te Prynhawn. Cafodd y dyfarniad diwethaf ei gyflwyno i Kate Hulse o Landudno am ei chacen rhosod pwyth croes. .
Arweinydd y C
Roedd hi’n bleser gen i groesawu Arweinydd Parti Ceidwadol Cymru i Goleg Llandrillo Abergele yn gynharach y mis yma. Siaradodd Nick Bourne AC gydag amrediad o fyfyrwyr am y cyfleoedd dysgu sydd ar gael yn yr ardal.
Bu Darren Millar AC a Paul Davies AC yn ymweld gyda Nick Bourne, yn ogystal â William Graham, AC dros Dde Ddwyrain Cymru.
Gwobr Beacon – Dathliad Lleol
Roedd hi’n bleser gen i groesawu gynrychiolwyr o Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, AC lleol, Cynghorwyr Sir, aelodau o’r gymuned busnes lleol a staff Coleg Llandrillo Cymru yn gynharach yr wythnos yma i ddathlu’r ffaith fod y Coleg yn derbyn Gwobr eacon AoC (Association of Colleges) anrhydeddus am gyfraniadau rhagorol i Addysg Bellach.
Roedd yn ddathliad lleol, yn dilyn seremoni wobrwyo genedlaethol a gynhaliwyd yn San Steffan, Llundain yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn. Enillodd Coleg Llandrillo Cymru Wobr Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Ymrwymiad y Coleg gyda Chyflogwyr am waith Uned Pwynt Busnes, sy’n sefydlu, datblygu a goruchwylio hyfforddiant a datblygiad i BBaCH (Busnes Bach a Chanolig) lleol. Dyma’r wythfed Gwobr Beacon Association of Colleges (AoC) y mae’r Coleg wedi ei ennill dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, sef un o’r cyfansymiau uchaf ar draws y DU.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Latest update 2/3/09

Cyn hanner tymor, mynychodd Derwena Watkin, Joyce Sneddon a minnau seremoni Beacon ardderchog yn Llundain, pan gafodd y coleg ei ddyfarnu gyda Gwobr Beacon am Ymrwymiad Cyflogwr. Mae hyn yn gyrhaeddiad aruthrol ac yn gydnabyddiaeth ardderchog o waith a wneir ar draws y Coleg.

Mae trafodaethau am Chweched y Rhyl yn parhau ac mae cynlluniau nawr yn eu lle ar gyfer dechrau 2009, ac adeilad newydd yn 2010. Rydym yn parhau i geisio sefydlu partneriaeth llawn gyda’r ddau ysgol yn y Rhyl, sydd mor bwysig at ddyfodol y dref a’r cyfleoedd sydd ar gael i bobl ifanc.
Wrth i mi ysgrifennu hwn rydym yn agosáu at Ddigwyddiad Cynllunio Strategol ar ddydd Gwener Chwefror 6ed. Eleni, bydd y canolbwynt ar ymdriniaethau newydd ac arloesiad. Mae grwpiau o staff wedi cael eu gwahodd i gyflwyno syniadau newydd i wella ein gwasanaeth yng nghyd-destun datblygiad sgiliau ac addysg a hyfforddiant. Rwy’n gobeithio yr aiff y diwrnod yn hwylus a phob lwc i’r enillwyr canlyniadol.
Mae addysg galwedigaethol uwch yn rhan bwysig o fusnes y coleg a’r wythnos diwethaf cyflwynais dystiolaeth i’r Pwyllgor oedd yn edrych ar ddyfodol AU yng Nghymru. Mae hi’n bwysig y caiff cyfraniad unigryw coleg AU mawr ei ddeall yng nghyd-destun sgiliau lefel uwch.
1) Oes yna unrhyw feysydd cwricwlwm sydd ddim yn cael eu blaenoriaethu ac â’r potensial i dyfu yn y dyfodol mewn ymateb i’r economi lleol?

Following a busy time leading up to the college half term, the weeks are starting to fly by. The successful Welsh Culinary Championships were held at the College during half term. The New Zealand Culinary Team won Gold with Wales winning Silver. The Championships were attended by many colleges from across the Country and Coleg Llandrillo’s own students won numerous medals in the individual competitions. Congratulations to all participants.
Prior to half term, Derwena Watkin, Joyce Sneddon and I attended the excellent Beacon ceremony in London, when the college was awarded

For those of you that attended the Nigel Risner session at the first Business Solutions Centre Meeting you will by now understand the difference between being a ‘Dolphin and a Monkey’. Again, this was an excellent meeting which was attended by over eighty external representatives.
Discussions on the Rhyl Sixth continue and plans are now in place for a 2009 start, and a new build for 2010. We continue to strive to establish a full partnership with the two Schools in Rhyl, which is so important for the future of the town and the opportunities made available for young people.
As I write we are nearing the Strategic Planning Event on Friday 6th March. This year, the focus will be on new approaches and innovation. Groups of staff have been invited to put forward new ideas for improving our service in the context of skills development and education and training. I hope the day goes well and good luck to the eventual winners.
Vocational higher education is an important part of college business and last week I gave evidence to the Committee looking at the future of HE in Wales. It is important that the unique contribution of a large FE college is fully understood in the context of developing higher level skills.
I continue to seek your views on the questions posed below and I look forward to receiving your responses:
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
The first of many postings
The aim of the Blog is to keep it brief and not exceed one page A4 equivalent, so apologies in advance if any of you feel that it’s a little truncated. I welcome constructive feedback on any issue relating to the College.
I hope all of you enjoyed the recent holiday and survived the Christmas freeze, which is presently very unusual. Although, as I now write this there are large snowflakes falling and calls from staff asking “Can we go home?”!
I was pleased that the car parks / roads had been reinstated adjacent to the new MBEC building (the College’s new development – Marine & Built Environment Centre), and I can only apologise for any inconvenience caused. To date, the College has been very pleased with the response of K&C Construction , who work closely with us at all times, and keep all promises.
Many of you over the last few weeks will have heard that the Rhyl Sixth concept involving the potential closure of the two Rhyl Sixth forms and rebirth as the ‘Rhyl Sixth’ within Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl is moving into the final phase of its inception. Approvals have now been given by the Minister for Education, subject to certain conditions, and the discussion has moved to one of timing, will it be launched in 2009 or 2010? Whatever the final outcome the new building to house the Rhyl Sixth on the College site will not be ready until September 2010. This initiative represents a real opportunity to quickly transform post 16 educational provision in Rhyl. I’m sure that there will be more on this once final approvals have been issued.
Since returning after the Christmas holidays it has been a particularly demanding time for me. The meetings concerning the Rhyl Sixth and the closure of the Sixth forms as well as a round of ‘transformation’ meetings with reports expected by Welsh Assembly Government in February on the future of post 16 education in the area. This combined with my work as part of the Ministerial Advisory Team and Chair of the 14-19 Extended Executive Group for Wales, has resulted in long days and overnight stops in Cardiff. I’m also currently trying hard to get around all the College sites to meet staff, and will be routinely organising open forums for staff. I would be pleased to hear from you at one of these occasions. If that is not possible please contact me directly.
We’re currently beginning the process of identifying priorities for the future and would welcome your observations on some of the following:
1) Are there any curriculum areas which we are currently not prioritising and have the potential for future growing in response to the local economy?
2) What should be our response be in a training and skills development context to the current economic downturn?
3) Could our services to students be improved in any way?
4) As part of ‘transformation’ of educational services should the College be looking at new partnerships and alliances to build critical mass and improve the strategic response to Central and North West Wales?
I look forward to hearing from you and will endeavour to respond as appropriate.